I am governed by the law of perversity
Am a contradiction of sorts
Live my life by my own rules
Fly free like a bird in a world which is a cage itself
Delusions of freedom have I
And yet, a better existence than most
At least I know what I quest for
How many wars I battled through
How many lives I’ve lived, shed and been reborn
And still like a unbroken horse I strain at the reins of life
The wait is long and patience less
Give me strength, oh inner being!
The keeper of my soul
So I may not break before the final thrust
I can feel the zeal in my bones
And know what a lesser man never glimpsed at
Lived through fire and ice, tears and pain
Loved every bit of the way…
Clawed myself back to sanity again and again
And in all that I know deep down
I am single, alone as ever I shall be
Am not meant to mix, mingle, lean, love and depend
Love shall I with a love greater than me
But for the one I love
Never for me
Selfless I am called
But they know not…
I am not built for the other
I am built for me
And me shall I serve only
Never be a slave to anyone
Nor anyone to me
Am a slave to the freedom of my soul
Love is just an indulgence to explore my human side…..
A giving, when I know not how to take
The other side …knows no emotion
A clean slate…….a slab of marble….pure white
Fear not …
I am not a threat to anyone
A threat to myself maybe
Not never hurt anyone bad
Not deliberately
And if I do so …tis because I saw more than others did
A picture bigger than the world…
Of futures untold and unexplored.
I shall live on in that future
Will be the wild wind that blows this earth…
Will be the lifeblood of the soil
Bleeding red…
Bringing forth life
I shall be the curse to humanity
Of life and death
I shall be the innocence of a child unspoilt
I shall be the hope in the sick and injured
I shall be the religion of the Gods
I shall be conviction of being.
This is what I am and ever shall be…
From now till the end of existence…