Saturday, March 10, 2007


there are many things we genneraly dont divulge to absolute strangers...........or maybe divulge a bit too much to strangers because we know anonymity will take care of our privacy.........i did the same once.........only the person in question didnt remain a stranger.........unfortunately he never did understand me............and this issue always remained a bone of contention between us.................
but my friends for those who like to explore such a advise or simple is most easy to open up but very difficult to find acceptance..............its best never to expect anything of the sort and let things take their course.........i am now trying to clear up the emotinal clutter i went through.....and see things as objectively as i can.........may God help me..........

however i must say these are the most beautiful untramelled relationships one can accepted without reservations..........if only it were true in my case......

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