Friday, May 16, 2008


There is an inordinate pleasure humans derive in drawing parallels between themselves and anything this world contains. We draw comparisons between our lives and those of great people gone before us (sometimes saying this is exactly what I am like , or this is what I would never want to be like)…some mere mortals immortalized by their acts of deceit and vengeance or something so horrifying that relating it with glee is in itself a sinful act. The Mata Haris and Hitlers of the world are just as alluring to read about or enjoy as a finely crafted Belgium Godiva chocolate…or a Rembrandt immortalized by their perfection.

We relish the act in a horrific way even if it is of the highest negativity. Its very strange that although most of us are ever ready to walk down a moral high path in the name of what is correct and what is not we are so lacking in perspective where it comes to defining what can be enjoyed by us or not. I mean one can never or should never take “interest” or “pleasure” in the torture of another individual person or animal. Yet the views or hits the -------- Fritzl case or Nathari case got bears testimony to exactly what I denounced earlier. Kind of brings to my mind another thought that ….the purest of emotions can never be negative or positive but both….Pleasure for instance can be both positive as well as negative depending on who looks at it and from what angle. Love too can be negative and positive……..sometimes its called passion, sometimes obsession, and sometimes when both partners are in love its called sublime….of course this is the most desirable state as no one gets hurt and the world is a happy place.

Getting back to the original line of thought… the news channels today capitalize on the misery of individuals and report heinous acts of crime against humanity……No! Not for the sake of justice only…but also to make sure their TRPs don’t flag. And we the viewers applaud them for broadcasting and making aware the general public…awareness is a lethal weapon which empowers us right? Yet we as dumb bystanders on many occasions just stand by and enjoy the scene, the revulsion drawn out a brutality which is enjoyment itself.

Some people might say why I am so dark in my thoughts…that the good in the world is reported too……..but human nature being what it is……how many of us are ecstatic at the news of a man saving ten orphans from a fire …we would rather enjoy the news of how three sons bludgeoned their mother in the name of witchcraft to save her soul.

This world is made of mixed shades of grey…while the most beautiful primary shades of black and white (an amalgam of all colors we have ever seen and if I may say so) are what are immortalized as fluctuating benchmarks never to be reached…one can never be perfection never attain it because it’s a chimera…a foggy target which is just a dream with no roots in reality.

As X-Files put it the truth is out there……the bigger truth (yes there are degrees of truth varying just as there are shades of grey) is….the truth lies within. Imperfection (perhaps I am a little harsh to my kind…lets say human perfection….imperfection holds too negative a connotation) is the only truth and it lies within. We are not a very pretty picture (if I look from the white end of the spectrum…if from the black end there is still hope for humanity) to look at…because objectivity and POVs govern all our acts. The faster we accept this the faster we will be able to accept differences.

By difference I mean-differences between races, differences between sexes and communities, differences between priorities…and the slower we will be to denounce our fellowmen. It will take a strong individual to actually give objectivity total control. I like that movie a lot ‘Thank you for smoking’. If you argue correctly, you can never be wrong.

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