Friday, March 9, 2007


THE SKY: is a vast expanse of blue so real none could deny its existence .Yet in reality, it is nothing but illusion.
THE HORIZON: is always in sight. Yet, the closer to it one gets, the farther away it recedes.
YOUR IMAGE IN THE MIRROR: is that as you are. Yet are “you” that image?

I’m told man is a rational being. So he tries to rationalize everything. Pieces of information, bits of data experiments, inferences, and deductions…derive them all and cubbyholes them into tidy packages, neatly and chronologically “preserved for posterity”.

On the flip side what about the inexplicable?? OOPS we have a very convenient prefix for such bizarre phenomenon-EXTRA
(Lexically explained as outside or beyond.)
Strange when I was a child I was fired to bouts of zealous confidence having its roots in the adage “THE SKY IS THE LIMIT”
Of course man's natural inquisitiveness (nosyness) has proved that wrong with the numerous explorations into the outer space be it that of the universe literally or the realms of medicine, art, trade or any other field.
Now I presume the modern age mantra is “THE SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT”.
Getting back to man and his ‘marauding acquisitive nature’
.I find it hillarious in the extreme when people say…… “We are the descendants of Adam and Eve”. At the cost of blaspheming I'd say we are probably the descendants of Lucifer especially since we both share in the sin of trying to wrest the power of the universe form the hands of the Almighty.
(Paradoxically ive used the. Er……… term Almighty because this is one supernatural force man has unfortunately been able to label, cubbyhole, decipher, compartmentalize………………….)
Isn’t meddling with nature, writing the destinies of men through wars and wantonly destroying life tantamount to that…not to mention the colossal magnitude of moral degradation that plagues our society………
Questions that have huge chicken and egg kind of philosophical implications will always continue to boggle the minds of people even or Einstein like proportions.
For example---------can you explain why?
I don’t need to study home science to be a good homemaker.

Why alternative systems of medicine and practices of yoga are gaining increasing importance in otherwise more scientific societies. (Most probably for its fashion appeal.
Why didn’t people use these methods before!!!!
If I’m not mistaken the date back to the Vedic era??? But it took good old America and the demonstration effect to bring the benefits of Yoga and Neem back to India.)

If we could explain the Abraham Lincolns, Shakespeares,and Dhirubhais of the yesteryears……..there would probably be no X-Files and more mutant-X’…….
And a booming clone market selling coveted genetically modified (j)Genes over the counter…rather that the so talked about IT industry.

I think we owe it to ourselves to stop dissecting and bisecting the marvels of this world and try to enjoy things as they are………
Lets just take times from our busy schedules to “stand and stare” at what Wordsworth or Browning once rhapsodized about and still continue to in the numerous books that continue to be published…
It’s a sign, which says that the world is not yet cynical about the marvels of BEING. That Jehovah still exists and will continue to be the guiding force behind out mysterious existence.

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