Friday, March 26, 2010

THe Guardian

3:30 am...........some insane crows are crowing in the middle of the night...i just finished reading The Guardian by Nicholas Spark.............the most beautiful story of love beyond the grave........well not really but i feel so because the hero of the story happened to be not some hot looking guy.......but an ungainly slightly clumsy totally adorable Great Dane called Singer...

he died in the end and left a void where my heart should be...sometimes i wonder can anyone love so much???

i guess there must be some people who love crazily like this......too bad its only a few people who get lucky to find them :)

going back to bed and shall dream of goofy dogs sloppily chasing little birds in a garden...

Singer...rhymes with Pepper.......the love of my life and just as heroic.

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