Saturday, June 14, 2008


One isn’t always a rebel in the most obvious way of going against the rules. The rules are meant to be broken a pseudo rebel might say. A true rebel isn’t one without logic or cause. He or she will only go the anti way when they have a reason to do so. a deviation from what they might find comfortable and convenient. For example if one likes outdoorsy dressing they might wear a pair of khakis Jeff Corwin style and still have the equanimity to carry it off in the dining hall of the Ritz.

A rebel will try to make his own space truly his own. I don’t think that’s so bad …is it? Doesn’t everyone have a right to individuality.isnt that the first right we are born with? We do carry the genes of the generations before us but that doesn’t rule out the need to have your own niche. and if someone needs to break a few rules to get that space I feel its perfectly justified.

However please do not confuse what I mean by your own niche with something that hurts other individuals and society at large. If you are a psychopath who finds his salvation in perpetration of misery to humankind…I don’t think that kind of space to do what you want is justified. Your niche should be your own…it should not over lap with anyone else’s and shouldn’t encroach on someone else’ private space too. for example if someone finds salvation in traveling and living wild…like a nomad…I’d say Mr. Rolling Stone has every right to do so as long as his wanderlust doesn’t hurt anyone else.

The best rebel is the quiet rebel. One who goes about his business not bothering about others and about the impact his actions might have on others.Offlate I feel that our generation is getting traits of the original rebel in many aspects of his life. for example a total disgust with the political systems of the world and their inability to provide good governance is turning most of the youth from “democratic” and “liberal” to now…”not political”.
Religion too nowadays doesn’t matter. In my own religion I see total despair and the flock is turning away from the church gradually. The reasons might be many from inability of the church to capture the attention of their flock, disintegrating family values, lack of time for religion etc……
People are more inclined to becoming “spiritual” than religious. Many people don’t any longer believe in the concept of God. It’s just the mono concept of the eternal “I”…or more popularly right actions or karma…and ever-present temptation or Maya. To an age group totally educated and governed by logic, a total negation of it will lead to a feeling or surrealism which is as difficult to believe as the existence of Gnomes and Santa Claus.

It is with mixed feelings that I receive these changes. If this was natural rebelliousness derived from a need to put correct the wrong being done, it would be well received. But that is not so. It’s a rebelliousness derived from disgust of the present condition and despair that it will ever change for the better. Its alienation …an indifference to the situation at hand. People are revolting no more to change the current faulty situation but to escape it without having to get embroiled in controversy. it shows a singular lack of concern at large--- a very dangerous situation because individual motives have given rise to now what is called selfish motive…

One could argue that this is what rebellion is. It’s the disregard of all else but the self…and the personal space. However I did say earlier…it cannot be at the cost of others.


CRD said...

hey nice post re!

so, ur a rebel!!


i dunno........but i do know i am goverend by the rules of perversity..........u shud know.....i never do what i am