Saturday, January 16, 2010

DARK is good!

Some people will argue this world is made up of equal parts darkness and light. Somehow I feel we like creating illusions of light in a world dominated by darkness. My logic follows from a line of thought which states – would we need to emphasize the ‘Light’ so over excessively as we do in our day to day lives if we weren’t petrified of being swallowed up by darkness. I know to most people who have read this post this far this must sound like a whole lot of gibberish.
Maybe it is…but somehow I’ve always noted that periods of pain in my life had made me come alive and take notice of things like never before. In our aseptic, well ordered lives driven by well deliberated goals…we tend to shelve our basic feelings completely if possible. Isn’t it better to not feel than feel only deep heartrending soul shattering pain?
Am reading this book that takes me into a world governed by darkness, each word is dripping with all the emotions we tend to shun like the mark of a weakling…
Pain…trauma…indifference…sheer terror…everything guaranteed to age you in the span of those 378 odd pages.i could cry as I read the book but the magnitude of pain encapsulated in those meager pages is so much that even tears would be mildly insulting. Am just letting it wash over me like a huge waves…never was any good at skimming the surface.
For you interested in celebrating being alive… the book is entitled
And yes I am a Masochist in a way 

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